~ Our Mission is to Shine Light on the Shadows of Darkness to expose the Truth ~

With so much history involved, and with so many of you not knowing where to start in order to learn the truth of what has transpired and was kept hidden from you, we recommend you read the documents in the following order to best be able to digest and make sense of it all.

1) This is a brief explanation of the ONLY lawful government America has ever had. It lasted 11 years. This document details the powers contained within the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union that Congress was able to use to expand the size of the Union and then explains the treason that occurred in stealing the identity of the Confederation known as "The United States of America" by the Confederation known as the "United States". For a full explanation, please read the document entitled History of the American Experiment (item 6 below).

Brief History of the ONLY Lawful Government

This document is 12 pages.

2) This is the shortest explanation detailing the identity theft of the Confederation known as "The United States of America" by the Confederation known as the "United States".

Identity Theft of the perpetual Union

This document is 3 pages.

3) It is best to start with the overall timeline of events for a chronological overview. This will display that the events occurring were worldwide and not just in North America or the Western Hemisphere.

Timeline of World Events

This document is 29 pages and shows the events that occurred on a global basis. The American Revolution was NOT an isolated event.

Condensed Timeline Exclusive to North America

This document is 19 pages and is a condensed version, of the world wide events timeline, that were mostly exclusive to North America and the Western Hemisphere.

4) Once you have gotten a perspective of the timeline events, here are the details displaying the events that led to and caused the sedition and treason against the Confederation known as "The United States of America".

Sedition and Treason in the Confederation

This document is 36 pages. This details the sedition and treason against the Confederation known as "The United States of America" by the conventioneers, Congress, and the States themselves.

Excerpts from the Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Federal Convention

This document is 11 pages and details additional "hidden" information regarding what ACTUALLY transpired behind the closed, locked doors and out of view of the public domain for decades during and after the proceedings of the federal convention which resulted in the Constitution.

5) We know it is hard for many of you to believe, but the label of the button says it all. What you have been taught about the history of American is a LIE and here is the proof.

There Never Was Created a Singular Country or Republic

This document is 7 pages.

6) This contains the pertinent events from 1774 to 1789 as taken from the Journals of the Continental Congress and records of the Federal Convention. The documents shown in items 1 through 4 above are also included in this overall document. For reference sake, all of the Journals of the Continental Congress and the records of the Federal Convention are displayed on another page on this website so the reader can see where ALL of the information came from.

History of the American Experiment

This document is 1109 pages.